"Those who say it can't be done should not interrupt
the person doing it" (James Baldwin)

Nancy Williams
Therapist and ADHD Consultant
(ETSI Brief Solution Therapist, NLP Practitioner, Member of the Association of Cognitive Therapists)

18A Warwick Road, South Holmwood,
Dorking, Surrey RH5 4NP

Tel: 01306 889579   Mobile: 07796 624701
Email: nwilliams@studioadhdcentre.org.uk

Not the end of the road... just a different path

A personal letter from Nancy Williams

A special board meeting of the Studio ADHD Centre was held on 19 March 2015 to determine whether lack of finances deemed closure of the charity necessary. It was with enormous regret that the Trustees and I agreed that the charity would close on the 31 March 2015, as although funds had been received, they were not enough to enable the charity to continue operating.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every fundraiser and donor for their contributions, as you have enabled us to continue to support our clients and families this year while we tried to sustain the future of the charity.

Over the past two years, with just Sarah, our charity administrator, and I trying to cover all roles that were in the past funded – such as the educational adviser and full-time activity worker – together with the complexities and competition in trying to secure funding, whilst supporting a large number of families, the situation had become untenable.

Sadly it was not feasible to rely on the goodwill of donors to cover wages, rent, telephone, and all running costs of the charity despite the fact that we were hugely cost-effective in comparison with statutory services.

Our annual accounts are available online, and we produced our PACE Report to show how we met public benefit in social and economic value – but, sadly, our local authority dismissed requests to support us. Quote from 6 November 2014: "I am so sorry but there is no point to the meeting you request. We do not have monies available to fund the continuation of your work. I appreciate how disappointing this must be, but I am afraid we are not able to help."

It's like writing a novel and constantly getting rejection slips when you know it could be a best-seller. Many times I have said to parents that The Studio is like my own child – with all its demands and frustrations and the constant battle to seek help and support for managing it, as I have for the past 14 years. However, I always had the option of walking away, which parents, particularly mothers, don't have. Check out Debs Aspland's brilliant piece on "being tired of it all" on the wonderful Special Needs Jungle site.

It has been both a privilege and a joy meeting everyone during the past 14 years and I am grateful to all the brilliant staff and volunteers who have helped me during this time. So, despite the fact that the charity is closing, I intend to continue offering a scaled-down therapeutic service, group activity days and training presentations on a fee-paying basis, and Barbara Follows will continue her SEN consultancy through Mambic.

I would also like to reassure you that the Reflections Angling Project at Henfold Lakes will carry on developing their project, which has proved to be a successful social and educational opportunity for young people that teaches patience, encourages positive relationships with others, and is a healthy and non-competitive outlet for children with special needs.

The Aims and Objectives of The Studio ADHD Centre charity were:

  • To support children and young people up to the age of 25 who had been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Asperger's Syndrome and related conditions, and assist those who care for them.
  • To provide therapeutic treatment that complemented a clinical diagnosis and to promote awareness and acceptance of ADHD in a positive and non-judgmental way.
  • To educate other health, education and welfare professionals in order to raise awareness and improve the standards of care.
Nancy Williams

Founder and Senior Therapist,
The Studio ADHD Centre